Dew Brand Identity Blog

A blog to inspire you to think about all the possibilities…

Imagine. Create. Redefine. Doodle. Have fun. Be.


I just want to have one day, just ONE DAY,
when everyone is kind and just makes
you want to say, ‘WOW!’
— Mom

I loved this idea. And so I promised my Mom I would promote her idea of Wow Wednesday...who doesn't need a little hump day inspiration, anyway?! I started out with a few posts and then lost momentum.

Cut to almost a year later as I sit here, on a Wednesday, writing a blog about how this morning I woke up and needed a reset. I was in THE. WORST. MOOD.

#1) I woke up today and it was gorgeous outside. But I didn't feel gorgeous on the inside.

#2) I flip-flopped some things on my schedule, updated one of my Run Playlists and took some time for myself.

#3) I got my run in, cleared my head, and decided I need to get back to Wow Wednesdays.


So here is how this works:

Start simple. Compliment someone. Help someone. Smile! Or follow me on Instagram @dew_inspire and share my #wowwednesday posts. I'm going to get back to this initiative. Not only because I promised my mom, but because we could all use a "Wow!" and there's no better day for that than hump day.

Libby Christopoulos